
M A Spooner is committed to the highest standard of professional practice and we have produced a professional code of practice which is summarised below.

With this comes the obligation to maintain the highest standards of integrity and competence in line with the regulations issued by the Institute of Consulting.



M A Spooner is committed to the highest standard of professional practice and we have produced a professional code of practice which is summarised below.

With this comes the obligation to maintain the highest standards of integrity and competence in line with the regulations issued by the Institute of Consulting.


This Professional Code of Practice is a statement of Company Policy and is binding on all employees and will be considered as part of monthly performance appraisal meetings as guidance.

Principle 1: Client First

All staff are required to use their professional judgement and best endeavours to promote our Clients welfare and economic benefit when discharging their responsibilities to Clients.

We will act with courtesy and consideration towards our clients. This principle is about providing an excellent standard of service, which takes into account the individual needs and circumstances of each Client,  including providing them with the information to make informed decisions about the services they need, how these will be delivered and how much they will cost.

Principle 2: Integrity 

We will avoid any action or situation that is inconsistent with the Company's professional or contractual obligations or anything which in any way might be seen to impair the Company's integrity.

In formulating advice, recommendations and solutions, we will be guided by its objective view, or the merits of any recommendations based solely on factual evidence, research, experience and expertise independent of any bias, unfounded or subjective views that could distort the outcome of any engagement or project.

Principle 3: Consultation

We will consult Clients at key stages of the development of a project, case or programme, in order to ensure that the Client's views and opinions inform the design of any product, service or solution.

We will specify at the beginning of any engagement or project, the purpose and the terms of reference that clarify how the relationship and lines of communication are to be developed and we will always produce an agreed Delivery or Project Plan to form the basis of targets and outputs that enable progress and the Company's performance to be measured during all engagements.

Principle 4: Consistency

We will strive to adopt a common approach to the collection, collation and verification of information and establishing method statements that prescribe the processes and activities that underpin the Company's core Services.

Principle 5: Fairness

We aim to ensure that a balanced and fair result is achieved as a consequence of the engagement and will strive to build productive relationships to the benefit of all parties.

We recognise that diversity is an asset and our staff will not unlawfully discriminate in respect of race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, social class, religion or belief.

Principle 6: Confidentiality

The Company will hold all information concerning the affairs of Clients in the strictest confidence and will not disclose proprietary information obtained during the course of the engagement.

Principle 7: Accountability

We encourage our clients to take responsibility for their actions, decisions and work commitments, ensuring that deadlines are met and agreed work is completed to a required standard.

We will be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that we take and we will give reasons for our decisions and restrict information only when there is a legal requirement.

Breaches of the Code

We will promote and support these principles by taking the initiative and through leading by example in terms of our behaviour, conduct, decisions, attitudes and practice.

Where the performance and conduct of employees or sub-contractors breaches this Code, or behaviour which discredits the Company's professional reputation, image and standing amongst its Clients will be subject to severe sanctions under the Company's Disciplinary Policy.

The Company subjects itself to external inspection from regulators in relation to satisfying the needs of any Clients in receipt of any of its Services.

This professional code is also underpinned by £500,000 Professional Indemnity Insurance (Details can be supplied to our Clients on request or as part of tender information).

For further information email: admin@maspooner.co.uk

Telephone: 0203 476 9605

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