M A Spooner Ltd


M.A Spooner Ltd – We deliver Business Analysis, Business Support and Business Development


Business Analysis
We provide guidance through analysing data supplied by our clients on the performance and effectiveness of organisations by improving systems and processes, products, services,
and software. 

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Business Model
We will help you to develop your Business Model in order to maximise income and profitability; deliver growth and innovation solutions; and reduce cost, waste and inefficiency where possible. 

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Business Support
Are you ready to invest time, money and effort in accelerating your business growth? Do you need help to turn a great idea into concrete action? Then you’re in the right place. Find out more >>

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Business Development
We can work with you to identify strategic opportunities available to your business venture, assisting you to create, deliver and capture value and activities that can include research that identifies business needs and determining solutions to business problems.We deliver this through four distinct services:

  • Building your governance arrangements and procedures

  • Assisting you in financial planning

  • Providing Human Resource Management advice and support

  • Strengthening your project management systems and delivery
    Find out more >>

Growth Engine: Creating The Conditions To Drive Growth
The Growth Engine programme provides you with the tools and business skills to formulate a strategy in which you identify the forces that inhibit growth in your business, separating them into high and low factors and simultaneously determining the strength of forces that drive growth towards achieving your business growth objectives. The aim is to ensure that the forces that drive growth is greater than the forces that inhibit growth because growth is only possible where the overall rate of increase in income is greater than the increase in your costs. Find out more >>


Think Innovation: New Knowledge,
New Thinking

This programme has been designed to assist business owners to explore how they can adopt innovation practices that can generate new products; differentiate existing services or create ground-breaking experiences that attract customers leading to additional revenue growth. Find out more >>

“Every profound innovation is based on an inward-bound journey, On-going to a deeper place where knowing comes to the surface”
Brian Arthur (1989)

Gain While You Train: 12 One-day
Training Courses

We have put together 12 one-day training courses designed to help you plan, develop and grow your business venture, improving your prospects.  These courses are complimented by our business support programme giving you access to a Business Coach on a one-to-one basis at a time and place to meet your specific requirements and producing a business review report. We have written Fact-Sheets, Checklists and key research reports to keep you up-to-date with key business topics.
Find out more >>

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You can purchase 12 training courses together as a single co-ordinated package or select individual courses to suit your specific requirements. These courses have been recognised by the Chartered Management Institute measured against the Leadership and Management Occupational Standards.

For more information email us on: admin@maspooner.co.uk
Or write to us at:

M A Spooner Ltd
1 Coldbath Square 
Farringdon London EC1R 5HL

Tel: 020 3476 9605

Visit us at the social media links below.

“Enhance Your Ideas, Enrich Your Business”